There is a Committee made up of a Chairman, Secretary, representatives from each Year Group and the Head.
An Annual General Meeting for all parents is held during Michaelmas Term each year and Committee meetings are held each term. A list of Committee Members is sent to all parents and minutes of the meetings are distributed each term. Notices will be put up around school asking for items for discussion at the meetings.
Aims & Objectives
(a) To provide and/or co-ordinate practical support for the School’s activities;
(b) To arrange or assist in arranging fund-raising and social events;
(c) To promote and foster good relations between parents; parents and staff; and parents and the School;
(d) To do all such things as are incidental to the above aims and objectives which enhance the good image and reputation of the School.
PROVIDED THAT the Association:
(e) shall not in any way involve itself in the running of the School, which is acknowledged to be the remit of the Trustees, Headmaster and staff;
(f) shall not engage in trading activities or any commercial enterprise (save with the endorsement of, and under the supervision of, the School by written consent)
(g) shall not be a receptacle for money or assets nor shall it incur financial obligations or engage in any activities for which any liability might be incurred (save with the endorsement of, and under the supervision of, the School by written consent)